Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tenacity is not always a good thing

While in Florida both Marie and I got sinus related infections... Marie had a sinus/cold related eye infection and I an ear infection. We saw a doctor in Florida and both received antibiotics for treatment.... that was two weeks ago. Monday the infections had not cleared up and in Marie's case had even gotten worse... so we went back to the doctor here in Eureka.... Well My infection had turned to Bronchitis and Marie's eye infection had not cleared up... so we are both back on antibiotics and I have an temporary inhaler now.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm back

Returned from Florida... the circumstances were not the best, Ed passing and all so there was a defining sad tone to the visit, but we got to spend some quality time with relatives that I had not yet met. There was Joany and John (Ed's daughter and her husband), Marries aunt Carol and uncle Jack.... and got to spend several days with Jay (marie's' brother) and his wife Joan, and of course with Elsie, Marie's Mom.
We all got sick.... Jay had a bug he spread to the whole famn damily... Jay ended up with an ear infection, upper respiratory infection and conjunctivitis.... Elsie has an upper respiratory infection.... Marie has Conjunctivitis.... I ended up with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection.... Ron and Ellen both of them have respiratory infections so we're all ...ALL..on antibiotics.
Another thing.... Florida is FLAT.... I find it fundamentally un-nerving when the highest point of land around is a freeway overpass.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

On a sad note

Marie's step-dad, Ed, passed away yesterday.
We will be traveling to Florida to attend the funeral this week.
Elsie, Marie's mom, is doing okay but please put her and the rest of the family in your prayers.

Twins born on differnt days, in different months and different years ?

How?.... you ask.
First one born on Dec. 31, 2008 at 11:51 pm, the second born 26 min. later... Jan. 1, 2009 at 12:17 am.. Differnt days, months and year... there's one for the books.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

She's Back

Kathy has returned!
Yup... Back from her adventure in France.
Welcome home !!