Friday, October 5, 2007


Over the years we get advice from various sources, parents, friends, people we admire or respect even people we don't really care for. Some of it is totally useless (this comes mostly from drunk friends) and it can be difficult to sort out the good from the bad, especially when we are younger. What we learn then (when we are young) can be a powerful influence on us as adults.
I have been listening to some recent stories about certain radio talk show hosts ( Bill O'Riley and Rush Linbaugh ) and things that they reportedly said on their respective shows. If I where to listen to one side I would believe that these people (the talk show hosts) where racists, unpatriotic or have a host of other character flaws. Then If I listened only to the other side I would believe that a group of people had entered some grand conspiracy to rid the air waves of their ilk.
But lucky for me I remember some advice I got from a High School teacher of mine (Mrs. Black) "Never accept one groups words as absolute, look at things from the view of all involved, search for the truth and don't let others make up your mind for you"
The consequence of that advice is that when I hear something like this brouhaha, I really want to know what it's all about, so I go looking for the truth. I found the audio of the events in question and listened intently, and this time I've got to agreee with the people that think there is a conspiracy. I feel a great disappointment in the fact that members of our elected goverment don't have the same capcity to search out the truth as a simple little old millworker like myself, It seems that they should have gotten Mrs. Blacks advice and not let others make up their minds for them.

An Introduction

Greetings to the blog world, This is my first post and I don't have much to say right now.
I hope to expound more as time passes but I'll open with my favorite saying.
Success lies not in doing what others consider to be great, rather in doing what you know is right.